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Caprichos de Apolo presenta Arooj Aftab
Caprichos de Apolo
Caprichos de Apolo Tue. 29. Oct'24 20:00 Sala Apolo

Caprichos de Apolo presents Arooj Aftab

Concert of Arooj Aftab in Barcelona - 29th October 2024

Arooj Aftab (Pakistan, 1985) moves nimbly against the weight of time and convention, honoring multiple traditions without belonging to any one. After her Grammy-nominated album "Love in Exile", co-created with Vijay Iyer and Shahzad Ismaily, the singer-songwriter continues her artistic journey with her fourth solo project "Night Reign" (Verve, 2024), which she will present at Caprichos de Apolo on October 29.

Originally from Pakistan, based in New York, she works on the design of what she calls "global soul". With tenderness and mastery, her music explores medieval and contemporary Indian and Pakistani poetry, experimental pop, jazz and blues that, combined with an expansive vocal technique, creates a hypnotic epic as if each song were a relic impossible to calculate its value.

Her viral version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" at age eighteen helped in her passage to study jazz at Berklee College of Music in Boston. Soon after, Brooklyn, New York would become his next and most fertile workshop for the creation of his music, from which the albums "Bird Under Water" (2015), "Siren Islands" (2018) and "Vulture Prince" (2021) have come out.

"Night Reign" is both a vivid reflection and the future of that music sustained by the figures of the New York nightlife, a city where he collaborates closely with some of the most amazing artists of our time for the creation of musical craftsmanship.


20:00 Doors TBC

21:00 Start TBC

Minor Entry

Children under 16 must be accompanied by their father, mother or legal guardian. Or , come accompanied by an adulto ver 18 years and submit signed by their parents the following consent form.

Caprichos de Apolo

Think of that musician that seems impossible to you that someday will come to play in Barcelona. Or think of that cult artist who doesn’t fit into any programming cycle. Or think about that special show of a large artist in small format. Well, all of this is Caprichos de Apolo.

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