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Liveurope Curated By #2: Max Van Bossé | Melkweg Amsterdam

Dim. 11 Gen
Liveurope Curated By #2: Max Van Bossé | Melkweg Amsterdam

Liveurope Curated By #2: Max Van Bossé | Melkweg Amsterdam

Remember: if you can't come to the music... we bring the music to you. In Curated By we are asking our Liveurope colleagues to uncover their national favourite upcoming artists.

Enjoy and stay tuned, the list is growing!

Max Van Bossé

Today is Melkweg's booker turn. When it comes to give a Top 2, Max Van Bossé has it clear: the present (and future) of Dutch music lies in Gaidaa and Altin Gün

Max Van Bossé_Melkweg_Liveurope_Apolo.jpg


“The Sudanese Singer-songwriter currently residing in the Netherlants puts her heart and soul in her music, unleashing powerful R&B ballads with wonderful acoustic instrumentation and vulnerable lyricism.”



"The Amsterdam based band gained a ton of acknowledgement from journalists as well as fans. Their combination of psycodelic rock and turkisch folk music leaves audiences in a beautiful bliss."
